Marie Brossier
I am Professor of Political Science at Laval University in Quebec, Canada whose Interdisciplinary Research Center on Africa and the Middle East (CIRAM) I co-founded and directed from 2013 to 2019.
My research interests include comparative democratization, State and institutional development, political dynasties, Islam and politics, conflicts and education in West and Central Africa. My work has been published or is forthcoming in the following journals and handbooks: Politique africaine, Critique internationale, Cahiers d’études africaines, Canadian Journal of African Studies, Mediterranean Politics, Recherches féministes, Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, the Handbook of African Sahel, Africa Yearbook.
In my current book project on Prayer and Protest. Religion, family, politics, and the social order in Senegal, I explore the socioreligious mobilizations of young people belonging to Muslim and Catholic groups in Senegal to show that mobilizations, unless they are explicitly protesting in nature, can actually be spaces for producing models of society that diverge from the established social order. I also have underway an edited volume dealing with the law when it is turned into a “weapon” in armed conflicts.
I have been awarded funding for my research from multiple sources, including the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Quebec Research Council (FRQSC), French Research National Agency (ANR), Alliance Program, Francophone University Agency (AUF) and Global Affairs Canada.
I also sit on the editorial committees for two journals, Politique africaine and Études internationales and I am a coding expert for V-Dem.
I received my MA and PhD in Political Science from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris, France). I received my BA in Political Science from Sciences-Po Paris (France).