Guest-edited special issues

“Fabriquer la recherche en temps de pandémie en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient : Vers une redéfinition des clivages Nords-Suds ? “

Études internationales (with Henri Assogba and Alessandra Bonci), forthcoming (2024)

Le politique en Afrique: une affaire de famille?

Cahiers d’Études Africaines, n°234, June 2019, pp. 323-713.

Hérédité et compétition politique: Le paradoxe de la transmission familiale du pouvoir politique

Critique internationale (with Gilles Dorronsoro), n°73, October-December, 4/2016, pp. 9-93.

Négocier et habiter les normes sociales en Afrique au sud du Sahara

Recherches féministes (with Muriel Gomez-Perez), vol.29, n°2, 2016, pp. 3-197.

Peer reviewed articles

The politics of the Hajj organisation in Senegal: Security, legitimation and clientelism

with Cédric Jourde and Muriel Gomez-Perez, Journal of Modern African Studies, 59 (1), 2021, 1-20.

Prédation et violence au Mali. Élites statutaires peules et logiques de domination dans la région de Mopti

with Cédric Jourde and Modibo Ghaly Cissé, Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, 53:3, 2019, pp. 431-445.

Le paradoxe de la transmission familiale du pouvoir

with Gilles Dorronsoro, Critique internationale, n° 73, October/December, 4/2016, pp. 9-17.

Penser la participation politique par l’impératif religieux: trajectoires d’engagements musulmans au Sénégal

Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, vol. 20, 4, 2013, pp. 190-210.


Working papers

“Comparative approaches to political dynasties since 1960 worldwide”

“Comparing political dynasties in the world and in Africa”

“Hereditary politics and institutional development : an index of hereditary power grabs”

with Marc-André Bodet and Hubert Cadieux

“Why not the heiress? The gendered construction of political dynasties”

“Hereditary politics and democratization in Africa. Tracing MP’s kinship networks in Senegal since 1960”

with Emmanuelle Bouilly

“Organizing the Hajj in Senegal and Cameroon”

with Cédric Jourde and Muriel Gomez-Perez

Peer Reviewed chapters

Succession in personalist regimes in Africa: the dynastic option in Togo and Gabon

in Luca Anceschi, Alexander Baturo & Francesco Cavatorta (eds.), Personalism and personalist regimes, Oxford University Press (forthcoming 2024)

“Senegal :  A Success Story and a Patrimonial Democracy”

in Leonardo. A. Villalon (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the African Sahel, Oxford University Press, 2021.

“Trajectoires d’éducation et d’engagements politiques à travers le Sahel: le cas des arabisants au Sénégal”

in Amy Niang & Baz Lecocq (eds.), Sahelian identities in a time of crisis, Lit-Verlag, 2019, pp.267-296.

“Senegal’s Arabic literates: from transnational education to linguistic and political activism”

in Aurélie Campana & Cédric Jourde (eds.), Islamism and social movements in North Africa, the Sahel and beyond: Transregional and local perspectives, Routledge, 2018, pp.155-175.


in Jon Abbink, Sebastian Elisher, Andreas Mehler and Henning Melber (eds.), Africa Yearbook Volume 12: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2014 (with Emmanuelle Bouilly), Brill, October 2016, pp.157-166.


in Sebastian Elisher, Rolf Hofmeier, Andreas Mehler and Henning Melber (eds), Africa Yearbook Volume 11: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2014, (with Emmanuelle Bouilly), Brill, October 2015 pp.148-157.


in Andreas Mehler, Henning Melber and Klaas van Walraven (eds.), Africa Yearbook Volume 10,: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2013 (with Emmanuelle Bouilly), Brill, October 2014, pp. 167-175.

“La production des savoirs militants dans la confrérie mouride au Sénégal”

in Daouda Gary-Tounkara, Didier Nativel (eds.), L’Afrique des savoirs au Sud du Sahara (XVIè-XXIè s.): Acteurs, supports, pratiques, Editions Karthala, Paris, 2012, pp. 263-285.



Rebond bibliographique :  Jean-François Bayart – L’État au Cameroun (1979), Compte rendu de Jean-François Médard ”

Revue française de science politique, 2021/5, vol. 71, pp. 900-902

“Filippo Osella and Benjamin Soares (eds), Islam, Politics, Anthropology. Oxford: Blackwell, 2009 ”

Religion and Society: Advances in Research, n°1, vo. 1, 2010, pp. 187-188

Policy Brief

Relations de pouvoir locales, logiques de violence et participation politique en milieu peul (région de Mopti)

Project, Centre Franco-Paix (with Cédric Jourde and Modibo Ghaly Cissé), May 2018, 56 p.